Fronteers — vakvereniging voor front-end developers

Contact form W3C membership

Hi there!

You're likely here because you read about the fact that the board of Fronteers is exploring W3C membership. Whether you're here because you want to know more about our organisation or because you are interested in our proposed W3C activities, we hope you will share your thoughts with us.

The Fronteers general members meeting of 19th of October will vote the W3C membership plan up or down, and we can't do much before we know the members' will. Therefore it is unlikely that there will be much action before this meeting. (And if the members vote the plan down, we will end it immediately.)

Still, one of our ideas is exploring international cooperation with other, like-minded organisations who would be willing to help us pay for the W3C membership and the representatives. While we cannot yet definitively say if we're actually going to do this, pending the member vote, we would like to know if there's any international interest in such a plan.

Are you willing to help us? Please let us know.