Fronteers — vakvereniging voor front-end developers

Workshop Real World Accessibility for HTML5, CSS and ARIA by Derek Featherstone

  • When: Tuesday October 4, 2011
  • Costs: € 350,- (€ 275,- for Fronteers members)

You’ve heard of HTML5, CSS3 and ARIA. You may even be using them already. But are you doing it in a way that ensures that you’re keeping up with your accessibility standards? You need to know what these technologies can do for you, how to use them accessibly AND how reliable they are. Reading about these tools isn’t going to cut it. You need to know the nitty-gritty, get your hands dirty, practical side of accessibility for all of these technologies.

  • Where does HTML5 fall down in terms of accessibility?
  • How do CSS3 features like transformations and transitions impact accessibility?
  • How well is ARIA supported, and what do you do when it isn’t?

If you’re asking any of these questions (or if you didn’t even know you should be asking them), then you need to spend this full day with Derek Featherstone. You’ll be better prepared to deliver accessible solutions now and in the future. After the workshop you’ll walk away with a set of planning worksheets and an action plan that can be used to integrate more accessibility into your existing or new projects so that you can deliver on your promise to make your sites and web apps accessible to as many people as you can. You know—the 650 million people worldwide that have disabilities.

Derek is a master teacher. He’ll help you:

  • understand the accessibility pitfalls and successes of HTML5 and CSS3
  • get practical solutions and workarounds that help you use HTML5 right now and maintain your accessibility standards
  • understand why we need ARIA to build accessible, usable web sites and applications
  • see and hear ARIA in action with a series of real world examples
  • know what ARIA can and can’t do, with special attention to cases where ARIA isn’t supported at all
  • create an action plan for adding ARIA to your existing and new sites and applications
  • develop a solid test plan that helps you ensure you’ve examined every accessibility aspect for a solution


Name Company Twitter
Chandra Pudjiatie Aflatoun Child Social & Financial Education @chandrarinie
Jessica Lazarus webfactory GmbH @Jessman5
Marc Mintel webfactory GmbH
Søren Birkemeyer webfactory GmbH @wandertroll
Vivienne van Velzen Torin internet applications @V_v_V