Welcome to Fronteers

We are a professional association for front-end developers in the Netherlands and Belgium. Since 2007, we have been working to promote the profession of front-end development. We organize meetups to share knowledge and connect people. To help you be the best you can be!

Learn more about Fronteers

New website

Have you been here before, but now everything looks different? That makes sense! As of October 21st, we have a new website. Do you see something that could be improved? You're welcome to create an issue on Github.

Want to earn extra points? You can fork our repository and roll up your sleeves! You'll find instructions on Github in this guide.

Upcoming activities

  1. Come and share a beverage during Fronteers' spring borrel. Meet local front-end developers!

    Location Utrecht

  2. We kick off the meetups for 2025 in Rotterdam, on March 4. Our host will be Level Level and the evening will have pizza and interesting presentations!

    Location Rotterdam

  3. On Tuesday 10 December 2024 we're gathering at ITP in Ghent for our last Belgian meetup of the year. Join us for a cosy evening amongst fellow Fronteers and follow presentations by Joeri Sebrechts and Bramus Van Damme.

    Location Ghent

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