Web Platform Doc Sprint in Amsterdam

Op 12 oktober, de dag na het Fronteerscongres, organiseert Fronteers samen met Google een Web Platform Doc Sprint in Amsterdam. Kom samen met mede-developers de Web Platform Docs verbeteren en uitbreiden!


WebPlatform.org is an idea that is coming into being through corporate sponsors, open web stewards, and — most importantly — individuals who are taking charge and creating a workspace for quality documentation. Everyday people volunteer their ideas and their time and build great content in a single place. But we still have a lot to do.

On October 12th, the day following the Fronteers conference, Fronteers will host a Web Platform Doc Sprint. It will take place in Amsterdam and is kindly sponsored by Google.

People all over the web are contributing great ideas and tools, and the momentum for viable, open, global web standards is growing every day. Unfortunately disparate, inconsistent, and outdated information still needs to be collected and perfected in one place we all can rely on.

About Doc Sprints

Learn how to contribute and help grow the definitive reference site for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVG & more. Choose from a variety of small, medium or larger To-Do's and let the experts from some Web Platform Stewards on site guide you how to contribute articles, samples, tutorials, overviews, and insights.

At the Doc Sprint we will make the Web Platform Docs bigger and better in one intensive day.

Saturday, Okt 12, 2013

Celebrate with us!

On October 8th, the Web Plaftorm Docs will be one year old, so join us in Amsterdam and celebrate it's first anniversary by helping out. And if you can’t be there in person, please join us on the Freenode IRC channel #webplatform. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Web Platform Doc Sprint Amsterdam!


If you have any additional questions you can contact Jayne Verbeek at paul@webinthehat.com.


Agenda, more information and registration: http://web-platform-doc-sprint-amsterdam.eventbrite.com