Two free tickets for Fronteers 2009

Peter-Paul Koch

When we sold out Fronteers 2009 in September we loudly proclaimed that no more tickets were to be had. Point is: we weren't entirely truthful. There still are two tickets available. They're even free. You just have to do something in order to get them.

Microsoft, which sponsors Fronteers 2009, will give away two tickets to the two persons who create the most beautiful or interesting IE8 Web Slices.

The contest will be judged by Pete LePage, and he will consider the following three factors:

  1. Quality of the HTML (does it validate, is it clean, readable, etc)
  2. Quality of the design of the Web Slice (does it look pretty)
  3. Quality of the information (is the information relevant to the site, is it useful)

In order to participate, leave a comment with a link to the page that contains your Web Slice. The submission period ends on Monday 26 October, and the winners will be announced later that week.

Here is some more information about Web Slices: