Fronteers — vakvereniging voor front-end developers


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Rewriting JS for Fun and Profit
Peter van der Zee, EN, Pecha Kucha bij Netvlies, 01-11-2012
The Web Platform and The Process of Progress
Alex Russell, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
JS Minty Fresh: Identifying and Eliminating Smells in Your Code Base
Rebecca Murphey, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
Beyond simple transitions, with a pinch of JavaScript
Peter Nederlof, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
I can smell your CMS
Phil Hawksworth, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
Building the web platform
Anne van Kesteren, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
The State of HTML5 Video
Jeroen Wijering, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
Open-source ain't free
David DeSandro, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
The biggest devils in the smallest details
Marcin Wichary, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012
More CSS secrets: Another 10 things you may not know about CSS
Lea Verou, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
Accessibility panel
Antoine Hegeman, Bor Verkroost, Bram Duvigneau & Chris Heilmann, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
Style guides are the new Photoshop
Stephen Hay, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
Ten things I didn’t know about HTML
Mathias Bynens, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
Using JS to build bigger, better datavis to enlighten and elate
Alex Graul, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
A Pixel is not a Pixel
Peter-Paul Koch, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
The New And Improved Developer Toolbelt
Addy Osmani, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
Adapting to Responsive Design
Mark Boulton, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012
Concurrent Server-side JS on the JVM
Philipp Naderer, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 04-10-2012
Some funy css tricks you may use in lazy game dev
Anton Nemtsev, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 04-10-2012
New Defaults
Vasilis van Gemert, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 04-10-2012
Use CSS transitions for pseudo-elements right now
Roman Komarov, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
The Return of the Carriage Return
Jan van Hellemond, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
Designing APIs for usability
Rodney Rehm, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
How to improve selector performance when selecting customers
Marc Hinse, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
Frontend evolution at Yandex. The road to BEM
Varvara Stepanova, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
Flexible Web Apps
simurai, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
CSS from scratch
Robbert Broersma, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
Bricss on tour
Lennart Schoors, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
Writing awesome code
Hans Christian Reinl, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
The road to responsive images
Anselm Hannemann, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
A different approach to build systems
Peter Müller, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
Don't Think, Just Play
Scott Kosman, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012
How I stopped worrying and learned to love defaults
Eric Eggert, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012