Fronteers — vakvereniging voor front-end developers


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HTML.future - what the web needs next
Bruce Lawson, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
The state of JavaScript
Domenic Denicola, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
Return of Inspector Web: Web Components a Year Later
Angelina Fabbro, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
Responsive images: ain't we there yet?
Marcos Caceres, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
Rationalising designs for better quality code
Harry Roberts, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
The importance of Firefox OS
Sergi Mansilla, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
How to rewrite your JS app (at least) 10 times
Garann Means, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
Responsive typography
Oliver Reichenstein, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013
Practical Session
Elaine Oliver, Edd Sowden & Anton Vanhoucke, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
On designing typefaces
Luc(as) de Groot, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
A developer's guide to rendering performance
Paul Lewis, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
Faster JavaScript web apps
Alex MacCaw, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
On power & responsibility
Robert Jan Verkade, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
Real-time recompilation of running JavaScript
Peter van der Zee, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
Putting Flexbox into practice
Zoe Mickley Gillenwater, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
Steve Souders, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013
The future of the web
Eric Eggert, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 10-10-2013
Don’t look into the source
Roman Komarov, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 10-10-2013
Source — Front-end documentation engine
Robert Haritonov, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 10-10-2013
Semantic JavaScript: Beyond Frameworks, Beyond DOM
Max Shirshin, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Science: it works, bitches
Arjan Eising, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Test-driven CSS
Jakob Løkke Madsen, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
divide @ impera : Developing not web pages but interface components
Varya Stepanova, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Talking HEADs
Jan van Hellemond, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Mathias Bynens, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
DalekJS - Shifting to the frontlines of UI testing
Sebastian Golasch, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Developing developers
Paul Verbeek, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
The Perception of Speed
Steve Souders, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Sketching Sketches with Sketch – Vectors for the web
Andreas Dantz, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Javascript is evil
Wilfred Nas, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Blowing off steam
Wes Oudshoorn, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013
Fronteers 2013 Jam Session Keynote
Brenno de Winter, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013