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Large Scale JavaScript Design Patterns (and how we use them at De Persgroep) |
Jochen Vandendriessche, EN, Bijeenkomst bij De Persgroep, 27-11-2014 |
Colors and Shapes: Ideas for work with JavaScript syntax |
Sergey Berezhnoy, EN, Fronteers 2014 Jam Session, 09-10-2014 |
A call to arms |
Maaike de Laat, EN, Fronteers 2014 Jam Session, 08-10-2014 |
The state of JavaScript |
Domenic Denicola, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013 |
How to rewrite your JS app (at least) 10 times |
Garann Means, EN, Fronteers 2013, 11-10-2013 |
Faster JavaScript web apps |
Alex MacCaw, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013 |
Real-time recompilation of running JavaScript |
Peter van der Zee, EN, Fronteers 2013, 10-10-2013 |
DalekJS - Shifting to the frontlines of UI testing |
Sebastian Golasch, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013 |
Javascript is evil |
Wilfred Nas, EN, Fronteers 2013 Jam Session, 09-10-2013 |
Rewriting JS for Fun and Profit |
Peter van der Zee, EN, Pecha Kucha bij Netvlies, 01-11-2012 |
JS Minty Fresh: Identifying and Eliminating Smells in Your Code Base |
Rebecca Murphey, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012 |
Beyond simple transitions, with a pinch of JavaScript |
Peter Nederlof, EN, Fronteers 2012, 05-10-2012 |
Ten things I didn’t know about HTML |
Mathias Bynens, EN, Fronteers 2012, 04-10-2012 |
Concurrent Server-side JS on the JVM |
Philipp Naderer, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 04-10-2012 |
CSS from scratch |
Robbert Broersma, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012 |
A different approach to build systems |
Peter Müller, EN, Fronteers 2012 Jam Session, 03-10-2012 |
jQuery and the Open Source Process |
John Resig, EN, Fronteers 2011, 07-10-2011 |
CreativeJS - beauty in the browser |
Seb Lee-Delisle, EN, Fronteers 2011, 07-10-2011 |
The Renaissance of Browser Animation |
Cameron Adams, EN, Fronteers 2010, 08-10-2010 |
High Performance JavaScript |
Nicholas Zakas, EN, Fronteers 2010, 08-10-2010 |
The State of HTML5: Inaugural Address |
Paul Irish, EN, Fronteers 2010, 08-10-2010 |
Reusable Code, for good or for awesome! |
Jake Archibald, EN, Fronteers 2010, 07-10-2010 |
JavaScript - Like a box of chocolates |
Robert Nyman, EN, Fronteers 2010, 07-10-2010 |
A Web of Confusion |
Douglas Crockford, EN, Fronteers 2009, 06-11-2009 |
Roll Your Own Effects Framework |
Thomas Fuchs, EN, Fronteers 2009, 06-11-2009 |
Understanding JavaScript Testing |
John Resig, EN, Fronteers 2009, 05-11-2009 |
Maintainable JavaScript |
Chris Heilmann, EN, Fronteers 2008, 12-09-2008 |
Secrets of JavaScript Closures |
Stuart Langridge, EN, Fronteers 2008, 12-09-2008 |