Fronteers — vakvereniging voor front-end developers

Our next four speakers (14-06-2012)

Never before have we sold our tickets this fast. With another four months to go, we're expecting to be sold out faster than ever before. If you are still doubting about attending Fronteers, don't wait too long as chances are we'd have to disappoint you.

Today, we're proud to announce four more speakers.

Dutchman Anne van Kesteren is employed by Opera, and is keen on standardizing the Web. In doing so, he works hard to gain more openness and more privacy, but in the right prospects.

The second speaker is frond-end developer David Desandro. He has a passion for finding new and creative solutions. Results are the masterpieces Masonry and Isotope. After three years nclud he is going to work for Twitter shortly. Exciting!

Of the 4 speakers that we herewith announce, Addy Osmani is the one with the most followers on Twitter: more than 24.000! He works for Google as a Developer Programs Engineer, is a member of the jQuery team and contributes to Modernizr. He likes writing JavaScript, but also enjoys writing about how we can improve the Web.

Phil Hawksworth works as technical director for R/GA in London. He focuses on technical architecture, but also enjoys spending time in the form of small experimental projects. We hope he can be persuaded to show us his bad dance moves if our baristas offer him a cup of coffee.

Half of this year's speakers have now been announced. Don't wait too long with ordering your ticket!

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