Fronteers 2010 speakers
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Cameron Adams
Cameron, The Man in Blue, melds a background in Computer Science with over eight years experience in graphic design to create a unique approach to interface design. Using the latest technologies, he likes to play in the intersection between design and code to produce innovative but usable sites and applications. In addition to the projects he’s currently tinkering with, Cameron writes about the Internet – and design in general – on his well respected weblog, and has written several books ranging in topics from JavaScript, to CSS, and design.
Cameron presented The Renaissance of Browser Animation.
Jake Archibald
Jake is a front-end developer at the BBC working on JavaScript components developed to meet the corporation’s design and accessibility standards. He also works with the BBC’s working groups which research and develop the corporation's technical Standards & Guidelines, keeping web standards & usability at the heart of the corporation.
Outside of the BBC, Jake is a keen photographer, photoshopper, and motorsport fan.
Jake presented Reusable Code, for good or for awesome!.
Jina Bolton
Jina is a designer, developer, speaker, author, and artist working and residing in San Francisco. She is an interaction designer at Crush + Lovely. Previously, Jina worked at Apple, Inc. as a visual interaction designer and front end web developer. She enjoys making pretty websites, and then she likes writing and speaking about it.
Jina co-authored Fancy Form Design and The Art & Science of CSS; she also was an expert reviewer and wrote the foreword for Sexy Web Design. Jina has written articles for publications including A List Apart, .net Magazine, SitePoint, and Vitamin, and she has spoken at interactive and web design conferences around the world.
Jina presented CSS Workflow.
Andy Clarke
Andy has been called a lot of things since he started working on the web at Stuff and Nonsense ten years ago. His ego likes words like ambassador for CSS, industry prophet and inspiring, but actually he is most proud that Jeffrey Zeldman once called him a bastard
Andy is a member of the Web Standards Project and a former invited expert to the W3C’s CSS Working Group. He took ten months out of his life to write the best-selling book Transcending CSS: The Fine Art Of Web Design, but Andy's passion is amazing web design. He loves making designs for the web, writing about design and teaching it at workshops and conferences all over the world.
On Wednesday October 6, Andy will host his Advanced CSS styling workshop. During the more advanced JavaScript sessions of the conference he will be around for a Q&A session in a different room.
Steve Faulkner
Steve is the Senior Web Accessibility Consultant and Technical Director, TPG Europe. He leads the development of the Web Accessibility Toolbar, Color Contrast Analyser and AViewer accessibility testing tools. He is an active member of the W3C HTML Working Group and W3C Protocols and Formats Working Group, his work in these groups is focused on HTML5 canvas accessibility, use of WAI-ARIA in HTML5 and he is editor of the W3C Draft Specification HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives. Steve regularly publishes articles and research on accessibility issues on the TPG blog.
Steve presented HTML5 Accessibility: Is it ready yet? together with Hans Hillen.
Meagan Fisher
Meagan is passionate about owls, coffee, and web design. In her ongoing mission to make the web a better place, she's partnered with some of the best designers in the industry, such as SimpleBits, Happy Cog, and Crush + Lovely. When she's not creating interfaces, she's speaking, tweeting, writing on Owltastic, or posting coffee art photography to Art in my Coffee.
Meagan presented Creating lifelike designs with CSS3.
Stephen Hay
Stephen has been designing and developing for the web since 1995. He was formerly Creative Director of Cinnamon Interactive, one of the first web design and development firms to successfully combine professional visual design with open web standards and accessibility best practices, back when table layout was the norm. He now independently consults with clients on user experience design, information architecture and accessibility through his new company, Zero Interface.
Stephen has written for A List Apart, NaarVoren and ChangeThis. Aside from his client work, he speaks and writes on the subjects of CSS3 layout, (web) design and accessibility. He sporadically publishes his thoughts at
Stephen presented Real-world Responsive Design.
Christian Heilmann
Chris is a geek and hacker by heart. He’s been a professional web developer for about eleven years and worked his way through several agencies up to Yahoo where he delivered Yahoo Maps Europe and Yahoo Answers.
He’s written two and contributed to three books on JavaScript, web development and accessibility, lead distributed teams as a manager and made them work with one another and released dozens of online articles and hundreds of blog posts in the last few years.
He’s been nominated standards champion of the year 2008 by .net magazine in the UK and currently sports the fashionable job title “International Developer Evangelist” spending his time going from conference to conference and university to university to speak and train people on systems provided by Yahoo and other web companies that want to make this web thing work well for everybody.
Chris presented Reasons to be cheerful.
Hans Hillen
Hans is accessibility consultant / developer at TPG Europe. He is part of the Firebug Working Group and is responsible for making the Firebug web developer extension accessible to people with disabilities. He is involved with the accessibility of widget libraries such as JQuery-UI and Ext-GWT. Additionally, he has worked on the accessibility support of the Spark components in the new Flex library. His focus is on using modern techniques such as WAI-ARIA while maintaining a high level of backwards compatibility. Hans is also heading the development for the Firefox version of the WAT-C (Web Accessibility Tools Consortium) toolbar.
Hans presented HTML5 Accessibility: Is it ready yet? together with Steve Faulkner.
Paul Irish
Paul is a front-end developer and user experience designer. He is on Google Chrome's Developer Relations team. He is also a member of the jQuery Developer Relations team as well as a host of the yayQuery Podcast about jQuery - a chit-chat with four professional front-end developers about the landscape with techniques and best practices.
He maintains the HTML5/CSS3 feature detection library Modernizr, the code generator CSS3 Please, and other open-source tools for front-end developers. Paul is passionate about finding ways for regular web developers to adopt things like HTML5 and CSS3 in their work today.
Paul presented The State of HTML5 : Inaugural Address.
Jeremy Keith
Jeremy is an Irish web developer living in Brighton, England where he works with the web consultancy firm Clearleft. He has written three books, DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax and HTML5 For Web Designers, but what he really wants to do is direct. His latest project is Huffduffer, a service for creating podcasts of found sounds. When he’s not making websites, Jeremy plays bouzouki in the band Salter Cane. His loony bun is fine benny lava.
Jeremy presented The Design of HTML5.
Håkon Wium Lie
Håkon proposed CSS in 1994 and is still a member of the W3C CSS Working Group. He is the CTO of Opera Software and a champion for CSS compliance in all browsers. Lie is also a director of YesLogic, the company behind the CSS-based Prince formatter, which was used to produce a book he co-authored: Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web. He has a Masters degree from the MIT Media Lab and a PhD from the University of Oslo. He is an advocate of Acid2, the video element, web fonts, and kite flying.
Håkon presented CSS3.
Brad Neuberg
Brad is a developer advocate at Google for the Open Web and HTML5 and an acknowledged expert in pushing web browsers in new directions. He is the creator of a number of JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including Dojo Storage, Dojo Offline, and Really Simple History, many of which preceded and helped influence HTML5. He is currently working on the SVG Web library, a drop-in JavaScript toolkit that brings SVG 1.1 support to Internet Explorer, including building an SVG implementation using SVG Web into Wikipedia.
Brad presented Vector Graphics for the Web.
Robert Nyman
Robert has been working with web developing, mostly interface coding, since 1998. His biggest interests lie in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, where especially JavaScript has been a love for quite some time. He regularly blogs at about web developing, and is running/partaking in a number of open source projects.
Robert presented JavaScript - Like a box of chocolates.
Dan Rubin
Dan is a published author, teacher and practitioner of user interface design and web standards. When he isn't busy Twittering, his work, writings, and various side projects can be explored in and around the vicinity of Sidebar Creative and his personal site, Superfluous Banter.
On Tuesday October 5, Dan will host his Bringing Your Design to Life with CSS3 workshop. During the more advanced JavaScript sessions of the conference he will be around for a Q&A session in a different room.
Stoyan Stefanov
Stoyan is a front-end engineer at Yahoo! Search. Creator of the online image optimization tool and architect of YSlow 2.0. Book author (Object-Oriented JavaScript, JavaScript Patterns, Speed Matters), contributor (Even Faster Web Sites, High-Performance JavaScript) and speaker (Velocity, Ajax Experience, JSConf).
Stoyan presented Progressive Downloads and Rendering.
Nicholas Zakas
Nicholas is a principal front end engineer at Yahoo!, where he works on the Yahoo! homepage, is a contributor to the YUI library, and teaches classes on JavaScript to employees and Yahoo! Juku participants. Nicholas also is the author of Professional JavaScript, co-author of High Performance JavaScript, co-author of Professional Ajax, and a contributor to the book Even Faster Web Sites in addition to over a dozen online articles.
Nicholas presented High Performance JavaScript.